

By admin - Thursday, January 15th, 2009


Rabbi Metz became the spiritual leader of Congregation Anshei Israel in July 2020. She graduated with bachelor’s degrees from Brandeis University in both American Studies as well as Near East and Judaic Studies and was ordained by the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies at the American Jewish University in Los Angeles, where she also received master’s degrees in Jewish Education as well as Rabbinic Studies. Rabbi Metz loves baking challah, trying new recipes, crocheting, biking and hiking with her family. She looks forward to building, growing and strengthening Judaism through meaningful relationships and relevant experiences inside and outside of the synagogue building.  

Contact Rabbi Metz 



Nichole Chorny became Anshei Israel's Cantorial Soloist in May 2014 and began serving as Education & Youth Director in July 2020. As a native Tucsonan, Nichole has deep roots in our Jewish community which include working at CAI since 2006 in the capacity of working with families in our Religious School and B'nai Mitzvah Program. With the expansion of her role, Nichole has developed and nurtured meaningful relationships with congregants of all ages and continues to develop family and youth programming, along with synagogue-wide programming for cross-generational engagement.  She encourages life-long Jewish learning by continuing to grow lay-leadership, post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah service leaders, and Torah/Haftarah readers. Nichole has a passion for fostering a love of Judaism in CAI's congregants of all ages.

Nichole works closely with Rabbi Metz and is responsible for coordinating congregational services. In addition, she officiates life-cycle events, coordinates the B'nai Mitzvah Program, B'Yahad Religious School Program, and USY. Nichole also teaches music in the preschool and is the director of CAI's adult and youth choirs.  

Contact Nichole Chorny


Rabbi Robert EisenRabbi Emeritus Robert Eisen served as Congregation Anshei Israel’s spiritual leader from 1999 through June 2020. An enthusiastic participant in all synagogue programs, Rabbi was especially gifted at interacting with children. A scholar able to teach ages 2 to 102, Rabbi was involved in the learning process of our children in preschool, kindergarten, B'nai Mitzvah, religious school, Hebrew high school and confirmation, and, under his leadership and contributions, adult education programs, including scholars-in-residence, drew enthusiastic participation.

Contact Rabbi Eisen



Rabbi Emeritus Arthur Oleisky z"l served as Congregation Anshei Israel’s spiritual leader from 1970-1999. His passions included our  youth programs, Camp Ramah, adult education, and Israel. Rabbi Oleisky was involved in Masorti/Conservative Movement in Israel, led fund raising among Rabbis and was on Council of Trustees of The Masorti Foundation for Conservative Judaism in Israel was a member of Board of MERCAZ USA.