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As a Conservative congregation, Anshei Israel is committed to perpetuating ancient Jewish traditions while maintaining a spirit of adaptation to the modern world. Through services, learning and Tikkun Olam, CAI promotes Jewish continuity, spiritual renewal, education of our children and adults, and making our community a better place to live through social action projects. READ MORE…



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Clergy Our spiritual leaders — Rabbi Metz and Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny — are actively involved in synagogue life and the Jewish community. READ MORE…        
Education First learn much, and then seek to understand it profoundly. — Talmud With award-winning preschool, kindergarten, B'Yahad (religious school) and United Synagogue Youth programs, Congregation Anshei Israel offers numerous opportunities to learn. READ MORE…        
Programs & Events Throughout the year, a wide variety of social, cultural, educational, religious and special programs are planned to appeal to the broad range of interests of CAI’s membership.