
The Week Ahead… December 9-15, 2019

By Debra Lytle - Friday, December 6th, 2019

Monday, December 9

  • Parent-Tot Class – Mondays, 9:00 – 11:00am
    Open to the public, this FREE weekly class for children up to 24-months in age and their parent(s) is a great way to meet other parents, exchange experiences, and provide an opportunity for the children to play together and engage in age-appropriate activities. We also read a book from PJ Library twice a month. Facilitator Ally Ross brings her 16-month-old daughter, Haley as her special “helper.” Various experts from different fields of child development and child-care will visit occasionally to share their expertise and provide opportunities for discussions. Feel free to bring your friends; it’s open to everyone! (PLEASE NOTE: We have a mandatory vaccination policy.) For more information, contact Nancy Auslander.

  • Open Mah Jongg Play – Mondays, 10:00am-12:00pm
    All levels welcome; men welcome, too. Come join the fun! For more information, contact Evelyn.

  • Adult Choir Rehearsal, 6:00pm
    Do you like to sing? CAI Adult Choir wants you! New singers welcome! Open to all adults who have an interest in Jewish music and enjoy singing. The repertoire will include a full spectrum of Jewish music, both liturgical and secular. Rehearsal and performance dates will be given out at this rehearsal. For more information, contact Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny.

Tuesday, December 10

  • B’Yahad (Together), 4:00pm. For more information, contact Rabbi Barkan.

  • B'nai Mitzvah Class, 4:00pm

  • Talmud on Tuesday – Tuesdays, 6:00pm
    The Talmud is an extensive compilation of teachings and opinions of thousands of rabbis over the centuries, covering matters of Jewish law, ethics, philosophy, history, customs, and more. We are currently studying Tractate Shabbat. Learn about the law and lore in the Talmud with Rabbi Robert Eisen as we dig deep into living Judaism. Open to all. No charge to attend.

Wednesday, December 11

  • “Gentle Chair Yoga,” Wednesdays, 9:30–10:30am
    Focus is on increased balance, strength and flexibility in a supportive group setting. Meditation and deep relaxation at end of each class leaves participants with positive healing energy and uplifted spirits. Dress comfortably. Members of Women’s League: $6 per class; non-members $8 per class. For more information, contact Evelyn.
  • Weekday Torah Study Group – Wednesdays, 11:00am
    Informal and lively study discussion led by Rabbi Robert Eisen. (Occasionally lay-led.) Open to all. No charge to attend.

Friday, December 13

  • Scholar-in-Residence Weekend – Friday, Dec. 13 – Saturday, Dec. 14

Saturday, December 14

  • Shabbat Afternoon Torah Study, 3:30pm, Torah Portion: Vayishlah
    Open to all, this is an opportunity to become more involved in “living Judaism.” Lay-led. No charge to attend.

  • Cantors’ Concert** – “Hadeish Yameinu K’kedem: Renewing Our Days as of Old," 7:00pm
    Old meets new in this musical experience with CAI’s own Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny and her sister-in-law Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny.
    **RSVP requested for concert. Suggested donation $18 per person.

Sunday, December 15

  • B’Yahad/Mishpacha Hanukkah Program, 9:00am-12:00pm
    Everyone is welcome! “Crypto-Jews … Are We?” will equip our children with the tools to be proud of who they are as Jews through hands-on Hanukkah activities about hidden Jewish traditions of Crypto-Jews. We’ll then have a Hanukkah Party with food & music, followed by a Maccabiah sporting competition; concluding with a Hanukkiah Torch Run Lighting. It’s all free, but please RSVP by Dec. 11 to Kim. A parallel adult education program “Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles” will be presented by Rabbi Robert Eisen at 9:15am (see below).
  • Adult Education Kollel, 9:15-10:15am
    Rabbi Robert Eisen will present “Wonder of Wonders, Miracle of Miracles.” That is what HANUKKAH is about … right? And yet, we are told that we are not supposed to rely on miracles. So … what is the real miracle of this holiday? Is it faith? Or, is it “fate”? Join us for this Adult Studies Kollel after which attendees are invited to stay and participate in our B’Yahad/Mishpacha Hanukkah Program (see above).  No charge to attend. Please RSVP by Dec. 11 to Tamara.
  • Kadima, 12:00pm. For more information, contact Rabbi Barkan.