
Tikkun Leil Shavuot – June 8, 2019

By Debra Lytle - Thursday, May 2nd, 2019

Tikkun Leil Shavuot: A Guide to the Evening of Shavuot
Saturday, June 8

Annual program to observe the celebration of the anniversary of the day Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. Includes service, dairy dinner, program, dessert and the reading of The Book of Ruth.

  • Ma’ariv/Shavuot Service 7:45pm
  • Dairy dinner 8:00pm
  • Program: “Revelation Boot Camp … a Review of The Ten Commandments: What are they? What do they mean?" 8:45pm
    Our evening will begin with a quick review of what happened at Sinai and taking a “critical look” at the first of “The Big Ten,” after which we will review the Aseret HaDibrot (“The Ten Sayings/Words” … more commonly referred to as “The Ten Commandments”). Dividing into three groups, Rabbi Robert Eisen, Cantor Soloist Nichole Chorny and Rabbi Ruven Barkan will rotate between the groups, each teaching three of the 10 individual 12 minute sessions.
  • Dessert 10:30pm
  • Reading of The Book of Ruth 11:00pm

$8 per person to attend dinner; no charge for service, program & dessert. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED by June 4 TO ATTEND ANY PORTION OF THE EVENING.