Archive for September, 2020

Do Not Separate Yourself from The Community | High Holiday Appeal 2020

By Marty Johnston - Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Dear Fellow Congregants,

We are honored to write to you as Chairs of the 2020 CAI High Holy Day Appeal. Staying connected and supporting each other perhaps have never been more relevant than now as we prepare for the first ever (and hopefully last!) virtual High Holy Days. 

On top of our Rabbinic transition and the usual myriad of challenges facing Judaism, enter COVID-19. The physical and social isolation necessary to help mitigate the disease presents challenges to Anshei Israel unprecedented in its 90-year existence. In addition to navigating the typical COVID-related school and workplace issues, our Congregation has also had to figure out how to provide virtual services and programming while maintaining the connection with our Members that is at our core. 

So how does this relate to the Appeal? The above conditions have created an environment where letting ourselves drift from our spiritual center, from our synagogue that has been here for so many years to meet our needs, would be understandable. Without being able to sit next to each other, greet each other in the hallways, feel each other’s presence, it would be all too easy to not support the synagogue. Out of sight, out of mind.

Hillel teaches in Pirke Avot (2:4), The Ethics of our Ancestors, “Do Not Separate Yourself from The Community.” This is precisely why our support of the synagogue at this time is critical. Your generous donations ensure that Anshei Israel is able to continue offering vital services to meet the needs of our congregants. Without your contributions, we risk that the isolation borne out of the response to COVID-19 has a longer lasting negative impact on our synagogue than the disease itself.

As in past years, we have a devoted anonymous donor matching first-time givers. Please join us now in generously contributing to the 2020 High Holy Days Appeal. 

Tracy and David Jeck and Family