Archive for February, 2019

Hamentaschen for Hunger – Mar. 3, 2019

By Debra Lytle - Thursday, February 7th, 2019

3rd Annual "Hamentaschen for Hunger"
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Designed to satisfy both the body and the soul! Individuals or families make their own hamentaschen (take & bake). A set-up of dough (enough to make about 12 hamentaschen), rolling pins, cutters, fillings, a disposable baking pan and instructions are provided.

NEW this year: Each set-up comes with a custom cloth apron to take home as a parting gift! (Rabbi Eisen is wearing one here!)

Materials also available to decorate Shalach Manot bags and Purim greeting cards.

“Set-ups” are $18 each; attendees may purchase more than one set-up. Event co-sponsored by The Franki Levin Laugh Legacy. Proceeds will be divided between the Tucson Community Food Bank, LEKET (the national food bank of Israel) and CAI’s Youth Programs. Feel the mitzvah … do the mitzvah! RSVP a must by Feb. 25.