Archive for September, 2018

The Week Ahead… September 10-16, 2018

By Debra Lytle - Friday, September 7th, 2018

Monday, September 10 Rosh Hashanah Day 1

  • Preschool/Kindergarten & Administrative Office Closed – (No Parent-Tot or Mah Jongg)

Tuesday, September 11 Rosh Hashanah Day 2

  • Preschool/Kindergarten & Administrative Office Closed – (No Rel. Sch., B'nai Mitzvah, Jr. USY or Talmud Class)

Wednesday, September 12

  • “Gentle Chair Yoga” – Wednesdays, 9:30–10:30am (not held Sept. 19)
    Focus is on increased balance, strength and flexibility in a supportive group setting. Meditation and deep relaxation at end of each class leaves participants with positive healing energy and uplifted spirits. Dress comfortably. Members of Women’s League: $6 per class; non-members $8 per class. For more information, contact Evelyn.​
  • Talmud on Tuesday, not held in September; returns Oct. 3, 6:00pm
  • Senior USY, 6:00pm. For Jewish children grades 9 thru 12.
    For more information, contact Rabbi Ruven Barkan.

Saturday, September 15

  • Shabbat Afternoon Torah Study, 4:30pm
    Open to all, this is an opportunity to become more involved in “living Judaism.” Lay-led. No charge to attend. Torah Portion: Vayelekh

Sunday, September 16

  • Religious School, 9:00am
    For more information, contact Rabbi Ruven Barkan.
  • Tashlich at the Park, 4:00pm, at Ft. Lowell Park, Ramada 6
    Symbolically “cast away” your sins as the Jewish New Year begins. Enjoy an educational program for learners of all ages to reflect upon the themes of the season. Bring the whole family and participate in this meaningful experience. Refreshments provided. No charge; however, reservations are needed. Contact Kim.