Archive for April, 2018

Tikkun Leil Shavuot – May 19, 2018

By Debra Lytle - Monday, April 9th, 2018

Tikkun Leil Shavuot: A Guide to the Evening of Shavuot
Saturday, May 19

Annual program to observe the celebration of the anniversary of the day Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. Includes service, dairy dinner, two study sessions, dessert and the reading of The Book of Ruth.

  • Ma’ariv/Shavuot Service 7:45pm
  • Dairy dinner 8:00pm
  • Study Session 1 at 8:45pm: Rabbi Robert Eisen will present “Shavuot Secrets”
  • Study Session 2 at 9:40pm: Rabbi Ruven Barkan will present “The Mitzvah of First Fruits”
  • Dessert 10:30pm
  • Reading of The Book of Ruth 11:00pm

Late Night Study Session 11:30pm
Coordinated by Scott Lewis for those who wish to study through the night: Stay for an extra hour, stay until dawn, or something in between … whatever works for you. Members of our community will present stimulating material in 40-minute segments to keep you engaged and awake! Topics will include:

  • What really happened at Mount Sinai?
  • Being first: What’s the big deal about being a B’chor?
  • The Inner Meaning of Tikkun Leil Shavuot: The Deep Tachlis (purpose) of Torah Study

$8 per person to attend dinner; no charge for service, study sessions & dessert. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED by May 14 TO ATTEND ANY PORTION OF TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT. Please RSVP here.