Archive for February, 2018

Mishpacha (Family) Program: “Games & Giving” – Mar. 4, 2018

By Debra Lytle - Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

Mishpacha (Family) Program: “Games & Giving” – Sunday, Mar. 4, 12:00pm

Participate in this event to have fun and help others! Join us for lunch, community-building games, board games and a special social action project to benefit our community. We’ll create “Blessing Bags” with essential items for people who stay at the Primavera Homeless Shelter, along with a card of encouragement. If you would like to contribute to the contents of the bags, please contact Nichole Chorny to find out what you can donate.
Mishpacha Programs are specially designed for families with children, but everyone is welcome! Join us on a Jewish journey of making friends, building community, learning about Judaism and family fun.

It’s all FREE, but you must RSVP by Feb. 27.