
Seder Heder: Adult Studies Kollel & Haroset Tasting – Mar. 21, 2018

By Debra Lytle - Wednesday, February 7th, 2018

Seder Heder: Adult Studies Kollel & Haroset Tasting – Wednesday, Mar. 21, 7:00-8:30pm

Participate in three rotating “mini” classes, followed by haroset tasting. (Each 20-minute class taught only once.)

  • Rabbi Robert Eisen presents “Insights into the Haggadah”
  • Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny presents “Hallel: The Song of the Seder”
  • Rabbi Ruven Barkan presents “Telling the Story as an Act of Redemption, Then and Now”

Admission (bring to class): One box of matza per family for the “Matza & More” Passover Food Drive to benefit Jewish Children & Family Services.

No charge to attend, but you must RSVP by Mar. 19.