Archive for January, 2018

Tu B’Shevat in the Park – Feb. 4, 2018

By Debra Lytle - Monday, January 8th, 2018

Tu B’Shevat in the Park – Sunday, Feb. 4, 9:30am, McDonald Park (Catalina Hwy/Harrison)

Trees are regarded as special gifts from God and are symbols of goodness and nobility. We observe Tu B'Shevat by eating fruits grown on trees from the Land of Israel.

Join us for this family program open to all in which attendees will participate in the stations of a Seder, Israeli dancing, a craft project, parsley planting, an environmental activity nature walk/”Pause & Pray” & snack. It’s sure to be fun & it’s all free! RSVP a must by Jan. 31.

(NOTE: All Religious School & Kadima families are asked to attend as there will not be class/lounge held at the synagogue.)