Archive for October, 2017

Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Hartley Lachter

By Debra Lytle - Monday, October 9th, 2017

CAI's Scholar-in-Residence Dr. Hartley Lachter
Friday, Nov. 10 – Saturday, Nov. 11

Dr. Hartley Lachter is an Associate Professor of Religion Studies at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, PA, holds the Philip and Muriel Berman Chair in Jewish Studies, and serves as the director of the Berman Center for Jewish Studies. His scholarship focuses on medieval Kabbalah, with a particular emphasis on the relationship between Jewish historical experiences and the development of kabbalistic discourses. His work explores how medieval Jewish-Christian debates, as well as disruptive moments of violence and forced conversion, shape Jewish mystical literature and serve as a form of cultural resistance for some pre-modern Jews.

Lachter’s visit will include a Shabbat dinner* and presentation, and delivering the Shabbat morning D’var Torah and an afternoon presentation on Saturday. *RSVP & fee required by Nov. 3 for Shabbat dinner only – CAI members: adults $18, children $12; guests: adults $22, children $15. ($5 more pp after Nov. 3).
To RSVP for Shabbat dinner, click here.

5:45pm    Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat Service
6:45pm    Shabbat Dinner*
7:45pm    Dr. Lachter presents, “Spreading Kabbalah: The Surprisingly Public Story of the Secret Jewish Tradition”

9:00am    Shabbat Service; Dr. Lachter presents the D’var Torah, “Destiny at the Well: Finding Rebekah and Fulfilling the Covenant”
3:30pm    Dr. Lachter presents, “Joyous Words from Sinai: Readings from the Zohar on the Weekly Parsha”
4:30pm    Mincha, followed at 5:00pm by Seudah Shlesheet (Third Meal), Ma’ariv and Havdallah