Archive for September, 2017

The Week Ahead… September 18-24, 2017

By Debra Lytle - Friday, September 15th, 2017

Monday, Sept. 18

  • Parent-Tot Class, 9:00 – 11:00am
    Open to the public, this FREE weekly class for children up to 24-months in age and their parent(s) is a great way to meet other parents, exchange experiences, and provide an opportunity for the children to play together and engage in age-appropriate activities. We also read a book from PJ Library twice a month. Facilitated by Amanda Stark, various experts from different fields of child development and child-care will visit occasionally to share their expertise and provide opportunities for discussions. Feel free to bring your friends; it’s open to everyone! (PLEASE NOTE: We have a mandatory vaccination policy.) For more information, contact Lynne Falkow-Strauss.

  • Open Mah Jongg Play, 10:00am -12:00pm
    All levels welcome. Men are welcome, too. Come join the fun! For more information, contact Evelyn.

  • B'nai Mitzvah Class, 4:00pm

Tuesday, Sept. 19

  • Religious School, 4:00pm
    For more information, contact Rabbi Barkan.

  • Hebrew H.S., 5:00pm

  • Junior USY, 6:00pm. For Jewish children grades 7 & 8.
    For more information, contact Rabbi Barkan.

Wednesday, Sept. 20 Erev Rosh Hashanah

  • “Gentle Chair Yoga” – Wednesdays, 9:30–10:30am
    Focus is on increased balance, strength and flexibility in a supportive group setting. Meditation and deep relaxation at end of each class leaves participants with positive healing energy and uplifted spirits. Dress comfortably. Members of Women’s League: $6 per class; non-members $8 per class. For more information, contact Evelyn.

  • Preschool/Kindergarten Early Dismissal, 12:00pm
    Administrative Office Early Closure, 1:00pm
    Preschool/Kindergarten & Administrative Office Closed – Thursday, Sept. 21 & Friday, Sept. 22

    All unaffiliated Jews 35-years-old and younger; all college students; and all military personnel are invited to attend High Holy Days services at no charge. Tickets are required. Contact Debra.

  • Erev Rosh Hashanah Service, 5:45pm (TICKETS REQUIRED)

Thursday, Sept. 21 First Day Rosh Hashanah

  • First Day Rosh Hashanah Service, 8:00am (TICKETS REQUIRED)

    • Family Service for 1st thru 6th Graders and their parents, 10:30am
      An interactive service to explore themes of the holidays through prayer, stories and educational activities.

    • A High Holy Days Experience with Jordan Hill for 7th thru 12th Graders, 10:30am
      Through drama games and all sorts of wild and wonderful activities, this experiential “service” will allow participants to have a good time while taking the High Holy Days (and themselves) to a higher level.

    • Young Children’s Family Service for preschool/kindergarten and their parents, 10:45am
      With exciting activities, crafts and learning opportunities.
    • Mincha & Evening Service, 5:30pm

Friday, Sept. 22 Second Day Rosh Hashanah

  • AGAIN THIS YEAR! CAI will open its doors to the Tucson Jewish community as an opportunity to showcase the warmth and tradition that has been its hallmark for 87 years. We want to make it easy for everyone to come pray, but for security reasons we ask that — in advance — you send us your name, address and email. You will also need to provide ID at the door. For more information, contact Debra.

    • Second Day Rosh Hashanah Service, 8:00am

    • All Family Program, 10:45am – For all children Preschool through 6th grades and their parents
      A unique High Holy Day experience in which families explore key concepts through creative activities, and then learn how to apply these lessons to everyday life.

    • A High Holy Days Experience with Jordan Hill for 7th thru 12th Graders, 10:45am
      Through drama games and all sorts of wild and wonderful activities, this experiential “service” will allow participants to have a good time while taking the High Holy Days (and themselves) to a higher level.
    • ​Mincha & Evening Service, 5:45pm

Saturday, Sept. 23 Shabbat Shuvah

  • Shabbat Afternoon Torah Study, 4:15pm
    ​Open to all, this is an opportunity to become more involved in “living Judaism.” Lay-led. No charge to attend. Torah portion: Ha'azinu

Sunday, Sept. 24 Fast of Gedaliah

  • Religious School, 9:00am
    For more information, contact Rabbi Barkan.

  • Kadima, 12:00pm. For Jewish children grades 4 – 6.
    For more information, contact Rabbi Barkan.

  • Mincha, 12:30pm

  • Tashlich at the Park, 4:00pm, at Reid Park