
Living (Y)Our Judaism Together: Charlotte Bregman

By Debra Lytle - Tuesday, August 8th, 2017


I'm Charlotte, and this is how I live my Judaism…

When I was a little girl, I would run up on the Bima during Saturday morning services and jump in my father’s lap, as he represented the synagogue’s board of trustees. I recently celebrated becoming a bat mitzvah, and found myself standing up on the same Bima, in front of the same congregation, celebrating my journey toward becoming a Jewish adult. This reminded me of how the congregation has been watching me grow into the person I am today. And while I worked very hard to prepare for this day, I did not do it alone.

Becoming a bat mitzvah was a huge step in my life, because it meant that I am becoing more and more responsible for how I live my life. Now that I am a Jewish adult, I want to do more Mitzvot. I am now expected to act a certain way and I have more weight to carry on my shoulders.

As I continue my journey through life and into adulthood, I want to set a good example of what it means to live life as a Jew. Will I be perfect? Will I never make a mistake? Hardly. However, what this journey has taught me, so far, is how important it is to try to make the most of every opportunity that is mine to have; to make the best of whatever comes my way.

I am already trying to make this happen by doing my part to make the world a better place. For my bat mitzvah project, I volunteered at Pima Animal Care Center and participated in CAI’s Gilo Twinning Project. Having visited with our sister congregation when I was in Israel three years ago, I know how much our support means to the members of Kehilat Shevet Achim, in this suburb of Jerusalem. And I recognize, even more, how important it is to be connected to the Land of Israel and our people.

This is how I am living my Judaism with my community, Congregation Anshei Israel.

What’s your story?


Read more stories about people who live their Judaism
at Congregation Anshei Israel.


If you would like to speak with Rabbi Metz about Judaism, the synagogue or you have other questions, e-mail her at