Archive for April, 2017

Tikkun Leil Shavuot – May 30, 2017

By Debra Lytle - Thursday, April 13th, 2017

Tikkun Leil Shavuot: A Guide to the Evening of Shavuot
Tuesday, May 30

Annual program to observe the celebration of the anniversary of the day Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. Includes service, dairy dinner, two study sessions, dessert and the reading of The Book of Ruth.

  • Ma’ariv/Shavuot Service 7:00pm
  • Dairy dinner 7:30pm
  • Study Session 1 at 8:30pm: Rabbi Robert Eisen will present “Does The Book of Ruth Matter?”
  • Study Session 2 at 9:30pm: Rabbi Ruven Barkan will present “Developing Loving Relationships through the Holidays”
  • Dessert 10:30pm
  • Reading of The Book of Ruth 11:00pm (After which those who wish to study until morning may do so.)

$8 per person to attend dinner; no charge for service, study sessions & dessert. RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED by May 24 TO ATTEND ANY PORTION OF TIKKUN LEIL SHAVUOT. Please RSVP here.