Archive for January, 2017

Hamentaschen for Hunger – Feb. 26, 2017

By Debra Lytle - Monday, January 9th, 2017

NEW! Hamentaschen for Hunger
Sunday, February 26, 2017
3:30 – 5:30pm

A new experience designed to satisfy both the body and the soul! PLUS: Hamentaschen tastings!

This is an opportunity for individuals or families to make your own hamentaschen (take & bake). You will be provided with a set-up of dough, rolling pins, cutters, fillings, a disposable baking pan and instructions. Materials will also be available to decorate Shalach Manot bags and Purim greeting cards.

"Set-ups” are $18 each; individuals and families can “subscribe” for more than one set-up.
Proceeds will be divided between the Tucson Community Food Bank, LEKET (the national food bank of Israel) and CAI’s Youth Programs. Feel the MITZVAH … DO the MITZVAH!

RSVP required.    Questions? Contact Michelle.