
Hanukkah Party Dec. 28, 2016

By Debra Lytle - Friday, December 16th, 2016

Community Hanukkah Party
Wednesday, Dec. 28, 6:00pm

Everyone is welcome to join us on the 5th Night of Hanukkah to celebrate the “Festival of Lights.” Our celebration begins with lighting the hanukkiah (bring your own if you’d like) and a special performance by our preschool/kindergarten children.
Enjoy dinner with latkes, vegetarian chili, pasta, macaroni & cheese and green salad, and just for the adults: vodka shooters! Dessert includes a sufganiyot (donut) dipping station & chocolate gelt.
There’ll be activities for children: Hanukkah Bingo, a craft station & dreidel games, followed by a concert & sing-a-long with CAI’s Adult & Youth Choirs led by Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny.
Fun for all ages; wear your Hanukkah-themed best!

$6.13 per person (all ages) with paid RSVP thru Dec. 16; $13 after 12/16. RSVP here. Questions? Call 745-5550.