Archive for September, 2016

Service Times Oct. 3-9, 2016

By Debra Lytle - Wednesday, September 28th, 2016

Monday, October 3 First Day Rosh Hashanah

  • Rosh Hashanah Service, 8:00am
  • Family Service for 1st thru 6th Graders and their parents, 10:30am
    An interactive service to explore themes of the holidays through prayer, stories and educational activities.
  • A High Holy Days Experience with Jordan Hill for 7th thru 12th Graders, 10:30am
    Through drama games and all sorts of wild and wonderful activities, this experiential “service” will allow participants to have a good time while taking the High Holy Days (and themselves) to a higher level.
  • Young Children’s Family Service for preschool/kindergarten and their parents, 10:45am
    With exciting activities, crafts and learning opportunities.
  • Mincha & Evening Service, 5:30pm

Tuesday, October 4 Second Day Rosh Hashanah

  • Rosh Hashanah Service, 8:00am
  • All Family Program, 10:45am – For all children Preschool through 6th grades and their parents
    A unique High Holy Day experience in which families explore key concepts through creative activities, and then learn how to apply these lessons to everyday life.
  • A High Holy Days Experience with Jordan Hill for 7th thru 12th Graders, 10:45am
    Through drama games and all sorts of wild and wonderful activities, this experiential “service” will allow participants to have a good time while taking the High Holy Days (and themselves) to a higher level.
  • Mincha & Evening Service, 6:15pm

Wednesday, October 5 Fast of Gedaliah
Minyan 7:30am
Mincha 12:30pm

Thursday, October 6
Minyan 7:30am
Mincha 5:30pm

Friday, October 7
Minyan 7:30am
Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat Service 5:45pm
Tot Shabbat Service 5:45pm

Saturday, October 8 Shabbat Shuvah
Shabbat Service 9:00am
Mincha 4:45pm

Sunday, October 9
Minyan 8:00am
Tashlich 4:00pm (at Reid Park)
Mincha 5:30pm