Archive for June, 2016

Board of Trustees Announcement re: Susan Kirschner

By Debra Lytle - Monday, June 6th, 2016

Marianne Langer, Chair of CAI’s Finance Director Search Task Force, is very excited to announce the hiring of Susan J. Kirschner as Finance Director beginning July 1, 2016.

Ms. Kirschner has been involved in synagogue financial management and administration since 1996. She brings to CAI first-class skills in financial management, budgeting, payroll, purchasing, membership development, fundraising/development and multi-fund endowment oversight. She has an excellent understanding of not-for-profit operations including working with independent auditors, investment advisors, insurance brokers and the banking community. She is proud of her interpersonal skills and the ability to work closely with lay committees and the Board in establishing and implementing sound and sustainable financial planning. We know you join us in welcoming Susan to CAI.

Bob Dietz will stay on at CAI with emphasis on orienting Ms. Kirschner and ensuring a smooth staffing transition. He will also be involved in some special projects subsequently.

A very special Yasher Koach to Marianne and her Task Force: Bob Dietz, Lynne Falkow-Strauss, Jonathan Green, Katherine Leonard, Eric Rudner and Abigail Tolby.

Phillip Pepper, CAI President