Archive for March, 2016

Board of Trustees Announcement re: Bob Dietz

By Debra Lytle - Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

This is clearly one of those bittersweet announcements a President is sometimes asked to deliver: Earlier this month, Bob Dietz, CAI's Finance Director since March of 2010, advised us that he is ready to trade in his Financial Management Kippah and assume the role of a congregant.

Bob, along with Jonathan Green, the Board's Secretary/Treasurer, have developed a plan to hire a new Financial Services Manager over the next several months and allow ample time for a smooth and methodical hand-off of responsibilities to this new staff member. Bob has been very generous with his decision to allow us plenty of lead time and we are very confident that we can accomplish this transition with little disruption.

Alan Strauss, CAI's Human Resources Chair, has appointed Marianne Langer to chair a search task force to immediately begin pursuing a replacement. Please watch for more updates as this staffing change unfolds.

Phil Pepper, CAI President