Scholar-in-Residence – Dec. 13-14, 2019

Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny

Scholar-in-Residence Weekend – Friday, Dec. 13 – Saturday, Dec. 14

Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny of Temple Beth Am in Los Angeles, CA, will be our guest. Hillary completed her cantorial investiture, rabbinical ordination, and a Masterʼs degree in Sacred Music at the Jewish Theological Seminary before joining the staff of Temple Beth Am in August 2014. Raised in San Diego, CA, she grew up with a deep attachment to the Conservative Jewish community. In 2008, Hillary graduated American University in Washington, D.C. with a B.A. in Jewish studies and a minor in vocal jazz performance. After working as a Judaics instructor and music director in various Jewish communities and camps, Hillary pursued her dream of becoming a cantor. In time, she was inspired by her teachers and family to also pursue the rabbinate.

Join us for a special dramatic and musical weekend!

Friday, Dec. 13
5:45pm Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat Service SOVEV held in-the-round with Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny featuring melodies and special meditations

7:00pm Traditional Shabbat chicken dinner* with sides and dessert. ​*RSVP & fee required by Dec. 9 for Shabbat dinner only  ($5 more per person after Dec. 9).

7:45pm Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny offers ZEMIROT (Shabbat songs) and a discussion on “The Torah of Innovation”

Saturday, Dec. 14
9:00am Shabbat Service as part of which Rabbi Cantor Chorny will present, “Targum and Torah” during a number of the aliyot, standing next to the Torah Reader, and translating each verse in a dramatic, story-focused way. For the D’var Torah, she will engage us in a live Bibliodrama, and introduce Musaf with a performance of spoken word poetry.

7:00pm Cantors’ Concert** – “Hadeish Yameinu K’kedem: Renewing Our Days as of Old”
Old meets new in this musical experience with CAI’s own Cantorial Soloist Nichole Chorny and her sister-in-law Rabbi Cantor Hillary Chorny. Immerse yourself in the nostalgia of your musical favorites interwoven with contemporary compositions that highlight the best of what’s new in the Jewish music world. **RSVP requested for concert. Suggested donation $18 per person.