Religious School Bulletin Jan. 10, 2014

Religious School Parent Bulletin January 10, 2014

It is wonderful to see so many energetic students back from winter break! I hope everyone had a wonderful time off.

Your children will be bringing home Hebrew reading sheets from class. Please work on these sheets with them for 10-15 minutes each night in order to reinforce their Hebrew. It will make a big difference in their progress!

We hope to see all of you at “Tu B’Shevat in the Park” this Sunday! Directions to McDonald Park went home with the 2nd – 6th Graders on Tuesday. If you haven’t made your reservation yet, please contact Kim by 2:00pm, Friday, Jan. 10!


Saturday, January 11 • Shabbat Shira Service, 10:00am
The 3rd through 6th grade students have been learning new Shabbat melodies in preparation for this special Shabbat. This “Shabbat of Song” will have new melodies to familiar prayers, and will explore some of the varied music of our heritage. All 3rd through 6th Grade students are asked to attend with their family. The service begins at 9:00am; the children are asked to arrive by 10:00am for their participation following the Torah Service. Please RSVP to Nichole Chorny.

Sunday, January 12 • “Tu B’Shevat in the Park,” 9:30am
Join us for this family program open to all at McDonald Park (Catalina Hwy./Harrison) in which participants go through stations of a Seder, plant parsley seedlings, learn Israeli dancing, and take a nature walk. All Religious School families are asked to attend, as this event is in lieu of Religious School at the synagogue. New to the program this year is an educational component with each station (for example, do you know the origin of the dance “Mayim Mayim” or the song “Zum Gali Gali”?) Also, each attendee gets to take home their parsley seedling for use on Passover!

Friday, January 31 • 6th-8th Grade Shabbat Service and Dinner, 5:45pm
Join us for this energetic service led by our 6th-8th Graders in the Religious School and Tucson Hebrew Academy. After the service, we’ll share a delicious Shabbat dinner. A letter went home to all 6th-8th Grade students inviting them to sign up for parts in the service. Please send the form at the bottom of the letter back to Rabbi Herman indicating the part that you want. A flyer for the dinner also went out. Please RSVP by January 27 to Kim.

Saturday, February 8 Shabbat Family Experience, 5:00pm
Looking for a great way to end Shabbat? Then join us for this interactive, spirit-filled and participatory Shabbat afternoon service led by children in the Religious School and Tucson Hebrew Academy. Participants will lead services, discuss the meaning of prayers and determine how the teachings from our tradition apply to their lives. For more information and to RSVP, contact Kim.

Rabbi Ben Herman