Religious School Bulletin April 26, 2012

April 26, 2012

Registration material for religious school 2012-13 is available on the Anshei Israel website.  We have kept tuition the same but added a Registration/Snack Fee for the coming year. The fee is reduced depending on how early you register (the early bird deadline is May 15). It is important that you register early so that we have an idea of how many students to expect in a class and how many books to order (book ordering needs to be done in the early summer). You can access the registration materials here.

On Saturday, May 5 at 6:00pm in the Epstein Chapel there will be a 7th/8th Grade Siyum celebrating the inaugural year of our 7th/8th Grade joint Religious School and USY Program. The 7th and 8th Graders will be leading much of the afternoon and evening service, and there will be a light dinner between the two services. Cost of the dinner is $8 per person. Please RSVP to Kim.

End-of-the-Year Report Cards will be going in the mail mid-May. We always welcome input and feedback from parents.

Yasher Koach 3rd Graders on Siddur Dedication. You did an outstanding job!

Teachers’ Classroom Recaps:


Kindergarten – Elana Weiner and
1st Grade – Renee Hulsey
This week the kindergartners and 1st graders played "Around the World" with the Hebrew alphabet. We had a great time! We also discussed Yom Ha'Atzmaut, Israeli Independence Day. In honor of Yom Ha'Atzmaut, we tasted whole wheat pita with hummus and tahini. Most of us preferred the hummus! In Creative Arts, we made Israeli flags, and some of us made windsocks, too.

2nd Grade – Emily Riley-Saxton
This week in religious school we studied the holidays Yom Ha’Aztmaut and Yom HaZikaron. In tefillah, we began learning the Hatikvah and the meaning behind it. In Judaics, we began our unit on Israel. In the coming weeks, we will continue learning about Israel and finish learning all the letters of the aleph-bet.

3rd Grade – Laura Olesen

Mazal Tov to all 3rd Graders! They were all wonderful at their consecration! This week we learned about Yom HaZikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut and worked in Hebrew with the vowel sound "oo." They took home practice sheets along with Yom Ha’Atzmaut posters they made. Please encourage your children to read their Hebrew practice sheets!

4th Grade – Rebecca Grossberg

The 4th Graders continued their Jewish History and are learning the Havdallah blessings.


5th Grade – Jesse Muller

The 5th Graders made tuxedos and wedding dresses for their paper dolls to symbolize the life-cycle ritual of marriage.


6th Grade – Layni Direnfeld

This week in 6th Grade we continued our hard work on our prophet presentations. We also took time to celebrate Yom Ha'Atzmaut by watching a video that showed several popular locations in Israel. We also enjoyed a few popular foods from Israel, including Prigat juices and Bissli.


7th – 8th Grade – Joel Kanter & Jessica Cooper
The 7th and 8th Grade students began practicing for the 7th/8th Grade Siyum.


Rabbi Ben Herman