Religious School Bulletin April 19, 2012


April 19, 2012

Registration material for religious school 2012-13 is available on the Anshei Israel website.  We have kept tuition the same but added a Registration/Snack Fee for the coming year. The fee is reduced depending on how early you register (the early bird deadline is May 15). It is important that you register early so that we have an idea of how many students to expect in a class and how many books to order (book ordering needs to be done in the early summer). You can access the registration materials here.

3rd Grade Consecration (Kabbalat Siddur) is upon us! It is tomorrow, Friday, April 20 at 5:45pm in the Sanctuary. The 3rd graders will lead the service and be presented with their own prayer books. 3rd grade parents: Please bring your children by 5:30pm!

The 7th and 8th graders led a meaningful Yom HaShoah service this past Tuesday. Yasher Koach 7th and 8th Grade! This coming Tuesday there will be a Yom HaZikaron/Yom HaAtzmaut Service for religious school from 5:45 – 6:00pm in the Library.

Teachers' Classroom Recaps:

Kindergarten – Elana Weiner

The kindergarten class learned the letter "tzade."


1st Grade – Renee Hulsey

This past Sunday, the first graders learned a different Hebrew vowel–the "sere," with the sound of "ey."  In Judaics, we learned that the synagogue is a place to learn and we made Jewish bookmarks. This coming Sunday, we will be learning two more Hebrew letters and about Yom Ha'Atzma'ut! I look forward to seeing all of the first graders!  


2nd Grade – Emily Riley-Saxton 

This week we discussed both Yom HaShoah and Yom Ha'Atzmaut and traditions and customs associated with both. We will be studying more about Israel in the coming weeks as we learn the national anthem, Hatikvah. Have a great week.


3rd Grade – Laura Olesen

It was great to see the 3rd graders back from break.  They focused this week on preparing for their 3rd grade consecration as well as moving on in Hebrew. They each took home a practice sheet. They are really excited for Friday! They were told to be there at 5:30!!! Looking forward to their special day!

4th Grade – Rebecca Grossberg

The fourth grade learned about Yom HaShoah.

5th Grade – Jesse Muller

The fifth grade continued their life cycle unit.


6th Grade – Layni Direnfeld

This week in the sixth grade we began working on a project to prepare students for the task of delivering a D'var Torah during their Bar and Bat Mizvahs. Each student has been assigned a prophet to examine. I look forward to the presentations.


7th – 8th Grade – Joel Kanter & Jessica Cooper

The 7th and 8th grades did their Yom HaShoah presentation for the religious school.


Rabbi Ben Herman