Pre-Hanukkah Family Party & Kollel Dec. 18, 2016

Pre-Hanukkah Family Party, 9:00am

  • 9:00am Joyous Minyan in the Epstein Chapel
  • 9:30am “Who Is a Hero?” Age-specific learning in Classrooms
        Pre-K thru 2nd Grade – Topic: Heroes who are kind
        3rd thru 4th Grades – Topic: Heroes who include others
        5th & 6th Grades – Topic: Heroes who stand against bullying
        7th & 8th Grades & Senior USY – Prepare for Maccabiah
        Parents may join Rabbi Robert Eisen for “The Making of Miracles”
  • 9:30am Hanukkah Adult Education Kollel in the Library (see below)
  • 10:30am Maccabiah Competition in Rabbi Breger Hall & on Playground
  • Latke-Making Competition on Playground & Kitchen (Sponsored by CAI’s Men’s Club)
  • 11:15am Hanukkiah Torch Run Lighting
  • 11:30am Party with latkes, games & songs

It’s all free, but please RSVP by Dec. 14 to Kim.

Adult Education Kollel, 9:30am

Rabbi Robert Eisen will present “The Making of Miracles.” For Hanukkah, we pause to remember that a great miracle happened. How did "it" happen? Did “we” have anything to do with it? What does our tradition teach us regarding miracles and how can that understanding deepen our appreciation for, and observance of, Hanukkah?

No charge to attend, but RSVP needed by Dec. 14 to Michelle.
Attendees are invited to stay and participate in our Pre-Hanukkah Family Party (see above).