The Week Ahead… Apr. 18-24, 2016

Monday, April 18

  • Open Mah Jongg Play, 10:00am – 12:00pm
    All levels welcome. Come join the fun! For more information, contact Evelyn.
  • B'nai Mitzvah Class, 4:00pm

  • Adult Choir Rehearsal, 6:00pm
  • Board of Trustees Meeting, 6:00pm

Tuesday, April 19

  • Parent-Tot Class, 9:00 – 11:00am
    Open to the public, this FREE weekly class for children 9- to 24-months in age and their parent(s) is fun and educational. Facilitated by Stacey Singer, participants sing songs, make art projects, read stories, have a snack, and share parenting advice with each other. PLEASE NOTE: We have a mandatory vaccination policy. For more information, contact Lynne Falkow-Strauss.
  • Religious School, 4:00pm
  • Hebrew H.S., 5:00pm
  • Junior USY, 6:00pm. For Jewish children grades 7 & 8.
  • Talmud on Tuesday, 6:00pm
    Learn about the law and lore in the "sea" of Talmud with Rabbi Robert Eisen as we dig deep into living Judaism.

Wednesday, April 20

  • "Gentle Chair Yoga" – Wednesdays, 9:30-10:30am
    Focus is on increased balance, strength and flexibility in a supportive group setting. Meditation and deep relaxation at end of each class leaves participants with positive healing energy and uplifted spirits. Dress comfortably. Members of Women's League: $6 per class; non-members $8 per class. For more information, contact Evelyn

  • Weekday Torah Study Group, 11:00am
    Informal and lively study discussion led by Rabbi Robert Eisen. Open to all. No charge to attend.
  • Senior USY, 6:00pm. For Jewish children grades 9 – 12.

Thursday, April 21

  • Sweet Tomatoes "Fun-raiser," any time 5:00 – 8:00 pm
    Where are you taking your family for your last bit of hametz before Passover? Meet us at Sweet Tomatoes (6202 E. Broadway at Wilmot) for Fun-Raiser Night! Sweet Tomatoes will donate 15% of sales generated by Congregation Anshei Israel when diners present a special flyer. Flyers are available in CAI’s administrative office or here. Each flyer is good for everyone in your party … bring your friends and family! (Certain restrictions apply.)

Friday, April 22 Erev Pesah

  • Siyum for First Born, 7:00am
  • Preschool/Kindergarten Closed – Apr. 22 – 29; No school in observance of Passover.

  • Administrative Office to close at 12:00pm

Saturday, April 23 Pesah Day 1

  • Shacharit Service, 9:00am
  • Mincha, 12:30pm
    (No Torah Study or Third Meal)
  • Ma'ariv, 6:30pm
  • Second Night Passover Seder, 7:00pm
    Participate in one of Judaism’s most beautiful and meaningful festivals. Share great dialogue, family participation; supervised children’s play; traditional brisket dinner by Handmaker Catering (vegetarian option: salmon). Members: adult $45; child $30; Non-members: adult $55; child $40; College & military $37. Reservations due by Apr. 18. Seating is limited. RSVP by April 18 or call Barb at 745-5550, ext. 242.

Sunday, April 24 Pesah Day 2

  • No Religious School in observance of Passover.

  • Shacharit Service, 9:00am

  • Mincha, 7:20pm

  • For more information about Passover & entire services schedule, click here.