The Week Ahead… October 14-20, 2019

Monday, October 14, First Day Sukkot

  • Preschool/Kindergarten, Administrative Office & Gift Shop Closed in observance of Sukkot. (No Parent-Tot Class or Mah Jongg)

Tuesday, October 15, Second Day Sukkot

  • Preschool/Kindergarten, Administrative Office & Gift Shop Closed in observance of Sukkot. (No B’Yahad, B’nai Mitzvah Class or Talmud on Tuesday)

Wednesday, October 16, Hol Hamoed Sukkot

  • “Gentle Chair Yoga,” Wednesdays, 9:30–10:30am
    Focus is on increased balance, strength and flexibility in a supportive group setting. Meditation and deep relaxation at end of each class leaves participants with positive healing energy and uplifted spirits. Dress comfortably. Members of Women’s League: $6 per class; non-members $8 per class. For more information, contact Evelyn.
  • Junior & Senior USY Sukkot Dinner, 6:30pm
    All 7th-12th Graders are invited to a Sukkot dinner at the home of Debby & Rabbi Eisen. For more information, contact Rabbi Barkan

Friday, October 18, Hol Hamoed Sukkot

  • Family Shabbat Experience Service & Dinner, service 5:45pm, dinner 7:00pm in the sukkah

Saturday, October 19, Shabbat Hol Hamoed Sukkot

  • Shabbat Afternoon Torah Study, 4:00pm
    Open to all, this is an opportunity to become more involved in “living Judaism.” Lay-led. No charge to attend.

Sunday, October 20 Seventh Day Sukkot/Hoshanah Rabbah

  • B’Yahad (Together)/Mishpacha (Family) Program, 9:00am
    All Youth (PK-6th grades) & their families are invited to join us as we celebrate the end of Sukkot with an interactive Hoshanah Rabbah service, followed by breakfast in the sukkah, and fun activities to prepare us for Simhat Torah! Please RSVP to Kim.
  • Kadima, 12:00pm