Archive for March, 2014

Religious School Bulletin March 14, 2014

By Debra Lytle - Thursday, March 13th, 2014

Religious School Parent Bulletin March 14, 2014

Friendly reminders:
Parents are encouraged to join us for Purim Palooza on Sunday, March 16! There will be a creative Megillah reading at 9:30am, followed by a carnival with face painting, games and prizes beginning at 10:30am. Lunch will be available for $5 starting at 11:00am and will include hamentaschen! This is a mandatory day of religious school and we strongly encourage parents to attend with their children (you should come in costume, too!).

The entire family is encouraged to attend our Passover Family Workshop on Sunday, April 6, 9:00am to 12:00pm. Join us to create a paper Seder plate and hear a Passover story (Grades K-2); make matzah and participate in a Readers’ Theatre (Grades 3-6); and attend a Model Seder (all grades). Then we’ll have some Passover goodies. This is a mandatory day of religious school and we strongly encourage parents to attend with their children … it will be fun for all!

Kindergarten and 1st Grade – Renee Hulsey

On Sunday, we made challah! We learned how to braid it, and that when we bake it, we are supposed to put a small piece of it directly in the oven to represent that we didn't make it all by ourselves. We used the materials God gave us, and we want to show our appreciation. Next Sunday, we’ll be celebrating Purim by attending a fun, family-style Megillah reading and Purim Palooza with a carnival! 

2nd Grade – Bryan Gordon
This week the students learned how to write important Hebrew words associated with Purim, had an interactive drama of the Purim story, and took home a Hebrew practice worksheet. Now that we've all gotten in the spirit of the holiday, we're looking forward to enjoying the festivities on Sunday!

3rd Grade – Laura Olesen
The 3rd graders are continuing their preparation for consecration and doing great! In Judaics, we completed our chapter on Esther and we learned about Purim traditions. I am looking forward to seeing them at our Purim Palooza on Sunday! In Hebrew, the 3rd and 4th graders are doing a book review as we have just about come to the end of our textbook. They are doing a great job with writing script.

4th Grade – Elana Israel
This week in Judaics, we explored the story and traditions of Purim through acting, listening, and fake party-planning. There were many creative ideas and interpretations, making for fun and exciting classes. In Hebrew, we learned the letter “Pay.” The Hebrew class is doing excellently; the students are impressing with their finely-tuned abilities to read long and complex words and phrases.

5th Grade – Courtney DeYoung & Sarah Artzi
Fifth Grade began its unit on Israel. The students drew pictures of special sites in Israel and then explained why they chose them. These pictures are currently on the wall in classroom 6. We look forward to seeing you in costume on Sunday for Purim Palooza!

6th Grade – MeMe Aguila
This week, the 6th Graders made challah with the kindergarten and 1st grade students. We had so much fun and it’s always great for the class to be mentors for the younger students. We want to share our challah recipe because everyone enjoyed it:

2-1/2 C. warm water (110 degrees)
1 Tbsp. active yeast
1/2 C. honey
4 Tbsp. vegetable oil
3 eggs
1 Tbsp. salt
8 C. Flour
Mix yeast in warm water until dissolved; add honey, oil, and two eggs. Add salt and flour one cup at a time, kneading the dough until smooth and no longer sticky. Cover with damp cloth and let rise until the dough doubles (approx. 1-1/2 hours). Divide dough in half; then divide each half into thirds. Braid the strands and let rest for 20 minutes. Brush with remaining egg. Bake in 375 degree oven for 40 minutes until bread is golden brown and sounds hallow when thumped.

The 6th Graders also had another of our Influential Jewish Americans of the 20th Century reports; we learned about George Burns. In Hebrew, we are continuing to work on our vocabulary for ordering food. We are planning a field trip to 5th Street Deli on April 8.

7th – 8th Grade – Sivan Shahmoon
This week, we researched some poems and short stories that could be presented in the Holocaust Memorial service. We then "packed our suitcases" as if we were told that we had 15 minutes to pack everything that was important to us, like the Jewish families who were in the same situation during the Holocaust. We also wrote a journal entry as if we were in the Holocaust.

Rabbi Ben Herman