Archive for March, 2013

Religious School Bulletin Mar. 1, 2013

By Debra Lytle - Friday, March 1st, 2013


Religious School Parent Bulletin March 1, 2013

Please continue to give tzedakah to your child’s Religious School class so that we can raise enough money for each child can dedicate a letter in Anshei Israel’s new Torah.

There is Religious School on Sunday, March 3 and Tuesday, March 5 even though not listed on the Youth Calendar.

Saturday, March 9
Shabbat Family Experience 10:30am in the Epstein Chapel
Share in this interactive, spirit-filled and participatory service led by children in the Religious School and Tucson Hebrew Academy. Participants will lead services, discuss the meaning of prayers and determine how the teachings from our tradition apply to their lives. For more information and to RSVP, contact Kim.

Sunday, March 17
Religious School Passover Family Workshop
The entire family is welcome to join us for a fun-filled day of learning. Make a matzah cover or Seder plate, bake matzah, go on a Haggadah Scavenger Hunt and attend a Model Seder. Passover goodies will be served. The Shomrim and Gan Yeladim preschool families are invited to join us as well!

Rabbi Ben Herman